Översikt över Simula Technology Inc.
En pålitlig partner för globala elektronikföretag

Om Simula

Grundat 1990 och med huvudkontor i Taiwan är Simulas uppdrag att leda komponenttillverkningsindustrin med djup teknisk kunskap, ständig innovation genom FoU och enastående kundservice.

Från början som tillverkare av kontaktdon är Simula nu en pålitlig partner för globala elektronikföretag och innehar kvalitetscertifieringar som ISO13485, IATF16949, ISO9001 och ISO14001. Som svar på en ökande efterfrågan från våra partners har Simula nu närvaro i USA, Europa och Asien. Företaget har också diversifierat sitt produktsortiment från att tillverka kontaktdon för konsumentelektronik till att erbjuda integrerade lösningar för fordons-, medicin-, industri- och marinelektroniksektorerna.

Genom att dra nytta av vår erfarenhet av produktdesign och tillverkningskompetens kan Simula samarbeta med dig i varje fas av produktutvecklingen för att skapa lösningar som möter framtidens behov.


Acquires Action Star Technology Co., Ltd.’s common shares with a shareholding ratio 59.35%
Enters a strategic partnership with Qisda Corporation
Re-located USA office from Fremont to Santa Clara, CA
Product: MFi Approved Supplier
Product: Developed design and production of Light and Heavy-duty Vehicle cables for Electronic Logging Devices (ELD)
Product: Developed Circular Waterproof Connectors design and production
Product: Developed Push-Pull Circular Connector design and production
Obtain ISO 13485 Certification: Medical Device Quality Management System
Requirements for Regulatory
Product: Developed M-Series design and production
Product: Developed OBD II connector design and production
Obtain TS16949 Certification: Automotive Industry Quality Management System
Re-located Taiwan headquarter to Taoyuan City
Established Simula Technology Corporation, USA due to increasing customer demand for local support
Established offices in Korea and Suzhou due to increasing customer demand for local support
Product: Developed video adapter solutions for graphic card application
Product: Developed pogo charging solutions for wearable and medical application
Listed in ‘View Magazine’ as best 69 profitable enterprises for shareholders Obtained IECQ-QC080000 and OHSAS 18001 Certifications: Occupation Health Safety Management System
Product: Begin cable and accessory business, manufacturing and assembly setup of related products
Awarded ‘Best Listed, Medium-Sized Enterprise’ by Forbes Asia
Awarded ‘18th Annual National Taiwan Foundation Company’ Listed officially on the OTC market
Approved trading in the OTC market by the Republic of China Stocks Trade Center and Securities and Future Bureau of Financial Supervisory Commission
Awarded the 10th edition of the annual ‘Taiwan Rising Star’ by Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs
Shifted manufacturing to China with Simula's factory in Shenzhen: Simula ShenZhen factory furnished and began to operate
Obtained ISO 9000 Certification: Quality Management System
Obtained ISO 14000 Certification: Environmental Management System
Obtain ISO 9001/2000 Certification: Quality Management Systems Requirements
Simula started from simple assembly in house in Taiwan and slowly grown into complex manufacturing
Expanded the Taiwan facility
Simula was established as a trading company: buy-and-sell components from Taiwan & China to all parts of world
Simula Co., Ltd. is established


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Simula Technology Corp.